Deleting a Carrier or Method

You are able to delete a carrier or carrier's shipping method from the application.

Note: If a carrier is in use, it cannot be deleted.

How to Delete a Carrier and all Associated Shipping Methods

To delete a carrier from IntelliTrack, follow the steps below.

Note: When you delete a carrier, all associated shipping methods are also deleted.

  1. Select Manage > Carriers/Methods to reach the Manage Carriers and Shipping Methods page.
  2. Find the carrier in the carrier list.
  3. Select the Delete icon to the far right.Delete icon
  4. A "Delete Carrier?" prompt appears.
    1. To continue deleting the carrier, select OK. The prompt closes and you are returned to the Manage Carrier and Shipping Methods page. The carrier has been removed from the page. Any shipping method associated with this carrier is also deleted.
    2. To cancel with deleting the carrier, select Cancel to close the prompt. You are returned to the Manage Carrier and Shipping Methods page. The carrier remains in the page.

How to Delete a Shipping Method from a Carrier

To delete a shipping method only, see "Deleting a Shipping Method"